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Musings / My life / Poetry
- 5 years
A day in quarantine
This poem is about being in quarantine as a raging epidemic (COVID-19) is changing our lives and eventually our world as well.

New beginning
It has begun. I’ve started my first fasting session and it’s almost over. Thanks to the quarantine and two weeks of home office I can reset my body and mind – hopefully once and for all.

Don’t tell, show!
This day is of special significance. I have been waiting for this for quite a long time: today I finally felt I’m back on track, ready to fight and climb back to the top.

Languages – Step by step
I have devoted 2020 to learning languages: Russian and Spanish. Throughout university years I used to study 4 languages simultaneously: Russian, Spanish, German and Italian besides teaching English. I also studied Japanese for 2 years.