New beginning
It has begun. I’ve started my first fasting session and it’s almost over. Thanks to the quarantine and two weeks of home office I can reset my body and mind – hopefully once and for all.
I got back from skiing last Friday, it was great, but I did not lose a single pound I have to admit. Yesterday I said enough.
I don’t want to wait for another tomorrow that never comes.
I got up as usual, made my hell of a strong coffee and was listening to my favorite songs when I realized I was just about to make my old mistakes. I’d already found my precious chocolate in the cupboard and it was just a matter of time I made it all disappear. That was the moment I decided this couldn’t go on. I had already reached my maximum size and sadly set a new record for me.
Through these 2 weeks I can long for a better future, or I can do something about it as my past is echoed in my present decisions.
My biggest problem is how to find balance as I’m always so unpredictable.
I opted for fasting as it perfectly worked out before.
I ate a yoghurt at 10 am yesterday, today it’s 8.30 am and I’m just doing fine. The faith in my goals give me all the energy I need to do this. Let the game begin!